Friday 5 October 2007

One year ago...

...give or take a couple of weeks, we moved to Milton Keynes for my husband's job.

Now, I've moved around a lot, so I'm used to the upheaval and I usually get itchy feet after two or three years in the same place anyway, but I never would have guessed that we'd end up living in a place like Milton Keynes - the city of the concrete cow. The place gets a pretty bad press and I'm sure that has something to do with the maze of roundabouts and lack of any real focal point to call a centre.

Now, I'm sure many of the born-and-bred Milton-Keynesians will disagree with my views, but let's face it, Milton Keynes doesn't exactly have much to attract the 20- or 30-something couples/singles with no kids who love the hustle and bustle of modern city living. I mean, going to the pub with your mates here is a pain because a) Milton Keynes is so spread out that everybody lives in a different part of town and b) the public transport here is virtually non-existent, so wherever you decide to go at least one person has to drive and don't even think about trying to find a taxi around here!

After a year of living here, I've decided that I haven't really given it a proper chance and I've set out to discover some of the parts of Milton Keynes that make it a place worth living in. I mean, there must be some reason why 184,506 people (according to Wikipedia) have decided to make it their home, hence the reason for this blog. Armed with my trusty camera phone and a bit of free time in between OU courses (possibly the subject of another blog?) I'm going to do my best to explore this city and tell you all about what I've found.

By the way, if there's anybody out there reading this who has some suggestions as to where I might start, or knows of some hidden gem that's yet to be discovered, feel free to let me know in the comments.

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